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[collapse title=Position] The hut is placed along the SP 50 in Borgata Chiapili Inferiore, 4,5 km from Ceresole Reale city centre, just before the street goes up towards the Nivolet hill. 400m far from the equipped area Perabacù, 2,5 km from Giro Lago e 6 km from the visitors centre Homo et Ibex. [/collapse]

[collapse title=Car park] The parking area is placed in the flat square in front of facility. The ground is in stabilized and there is not a parking dedicated to disabled but spaces are wide enough to guarantee the service. [/collapse]

[collapse title=equipped external spaces] The external spaces of the hut are totally accessible and easily reachable from the parking area. The pavement is of stone.  [/collapse]

[collapse title=Entrance] The main entrance is accessible thanks to a mobile ramp that permits to overcome two steps and is followed by a distribution space big enough to guarantee minimal movings. The doors accessing to the restaurant and to the multi-purpose room are sufficiently wide even if the transit could be difficult due to the narrow moving spaces.[/collapse]

[collapse title=Restaurant dining room] The restaurant has a wide restaurant room, with bar service, linked to a smaller one. Rooms and links among them are accessible with sufficient moving spaces. [/collapse]

[collapse title=Multi-purpose room] The room is reachable from the entrance and has enough moving spaces.[/collapse]

[collapse title=Hygienic services] The hygienic services of the common area, exept for the sinks, are not accessible as there are just pit toilets and any kind of aid. [/collapse]

The accommodations of the hut are not accessible.

For more informations visit the page Rifugio Guido Muzio

Structure location
Borgata Chiapili Inferiore 6, Ceresole Reale
Orco Valley
Tipo struttura
Quality Label structures
Map data