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[collapse title=Position] The restaurant is placed in Lago Serrù, around 10 km from Ceresole Reale continuing on the SP 50 of the Nivolet hill, 2257 m asl.

Not far you'll find the Nivolet hill, the permanent exhibition on the Losa path (where the dig Serrù reconstruction moments are shown) and the small glaciological museum.

The restaurant is around 10 km far from Giro Lago and in this area numerous natural and panoramic paths cross one another. [/collapse]

[collapse title=Car Park] The parking area is placed in the flat area next to the facility. The ground floor is in stabilized backfill and there is not a parking dedicated to disabled, but spaces are big enough to guarantee the service. From here it's easy to reach the accessible entrance that is at the same level of the parking area. [/collapse]

[collapse title=Entrance] The accessible entrance overlooks the parking opening to the lower restaurant room. The two swing door is wide enough and both outside and inside there is wide moving space. There are no particular obstacles in the path that from the parking leads to the entrance. [/collapse]

[collapse title=Restaurant room] The restaurant room at the lower floor is totally accessible with enough moving spaces. [/collapse]

[collapse title=Hygienic services] Hygienic services of the lower room are suitable from the dimentions point of view but not from the one of aids. The moving spaces is indeed enough while the bathroom fittings are traditional. [/collapse]

For more informations visit the page Ristorante La Baracca

Structure location
Località Lago Serrù, Ceresole Reale
Orco Valley
Tipo struttura
Quality Label structures
Map data