The Board of Auditors, appointed by means of the procedures provided for in article 9, clause 10, of Law no. 394 of 6 December 1991 and article 1, clause 5, of the decree of the Ministry for the Environment no. 436, makes accounting and administrative checks according to the existing regulatory provisions for non-Economic Public Expenditures.

Composition of the Board of Auditors:

  • dott.ssa Tiziana ACCHIARDI - Ragioneria Territoriale dello Stato di Cuneo - Presidente, in rappresentanza del MEF - Curriculum Vitae
  • sig.ra Rita POGGIO - Ragioneria Territoriale dello Stato di Alessandria e Asti - Componente,  in rappresentanza del MEF - Curriculum Vitae
  • dott.ssa Monica Maria Bianca VACHA - Componente in rappresentanza regioni Piemonte e Valle d'Aosta - Curriculum Vitae