The most important months for wild animals, in which they’re vulnerable the most and the human disruption needs to be minimised, are not the same for every species. They often coincide with the spring-summer period, linked to breeding, but winter too can present considerable difficulties.

Among solid rock walls and ice waterfalls, births and survival depend on many elements and in particular:

• on the choice of the mating place or where nestling;
• on the harsh of winter, that even normally limits the survival;
• on humans, that are always felt as a threat.

Some species are sensitive to the human presence in every period of the year.
The peregrine falcon, for example, takes some time in choosing the most suitable cliff for the nest and builds it only where inconvenience is minimized.
For the Ibex overcoming the harsh winter is not enough, the summer period is also important: it needs to take care of the offspring and store up the nourishing reserves for the mating period and for winter.

Other species instead, like the alpine cough, outside the mating period are less tied to the rocks and the walls of the Park and are less affected by the disruption that we can cause.

Before going to the mountain, indeed, verify any prohibitions on the Park’s website and have a look at the graphics above to check which species you could meet during the year, at different altitudes.

Always remember: if you see a nest or you run into a herd be descreet and, if you can, move away immediately!