Marco Rolando, born on the 11th July 1966, passionate of sculpture and of all that is related to wood since he was a child, starts to sculpt with increasing interest since 1990, first as self-taught person, then in the studio-school of one of the most popular Valle d'Aosta sculptors: Giuseppe Binel. After five years of technical study, use of instruments and respect of proportions and dimensions, he starts to participate to various festivals and exhibitions of the sector. Since 2000 he devotes to sculpture and carving practically full time, in winter splitting his time with the cross-country ski training, of which is certified teacher. He teaches the art of wood carving, knife point technique, in his studio-laboratory or in various courses organized by bodies and associations. The sculpture and carving works are realized following themes, such as: - rural with strong claim to the mountain life; - fantasy creating goblins, fairies and surreal characters; - holy with reference to the ecclesiastic and gothic; - floral elements inserted on precious objects of ordinary life.


Orco Valley
Email address
Borgata Capoluogo n. 5 - Ceresole Reale (TO)
Opening period and time
the whole year
Tel. / Fax
347.1589954 - 0124.953211 / 0124.953211